Circulation(s) : The European Young Photography Festival – Paris Design Agenda


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Circulation(s) : The European Young Photography Festival
Circulation(s) : The European Young Photography Festival

The 8th edition of the Circulation(s) festival will take place between the 17th of march and the 6th of may 2018 at the CENTQUATRE – PARIS. A good occasion for us to make a review of the events planned. The festival invites the artists to present their projects through plenty of different medias, plastic photography, archive images, videos, collage, or again thermodynamic images. The subjects are various : gender differences, migration crisis or life prison, and the authors come from all around the world.

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What to do during the festival?

First of all you’ll go to visit the “Studio photo” which is open during all the festival. Each weekends the artists invite the visitors to pose for them.  1 or 2 artists per weekends are performing there, it means differents styles each time. A good occasion to take a picture with your friends or family with an old camera from the 19th century or to be a part of an art project. Note : the studio will also be open two Wednesdays in April, the 18th and the 25th from 13h to 19h.

Photo studio – Every weekend and the Wednesday 18th of April and 25th of April

Circulation(s) festival

Is photography a hobby for you?

The festival invite those who practice photography as a hobby to show their works to professional photographers. It is the Portfolio Reading. For the small amount of 10€ per 20 minutes meeting, you can choose a photographer you like and show him your work to have its opinion. Following those meetings, you can go to the Fetart Academy, a one hour and half conference for young photographers about the industry of photography. The theme of this years? The role of Instagram on their futur job.

Portfolio reading – Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of March, 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Fetart Academy – Wednesday 28th of March, 7:00pm to 20h30pm

Fetart academy

What about the kids?

Everything is planned. The festival organized the Little Circulation(s) entirely dedicated to kids from 5 to 12 years old. From the 17th of March to the 6th of May, the festival invite them to discover the main exhibition but on adapted boards. Circulation(s) make the kids discover the world of photography in a ludic way. A game book will be provide to them at the entrance, they can play memory games, logic games or also spot the differences. Everything is done for them to know how to become an exhibition designer.

Little Circulation(s) – Wednesday to Sunday (excluding holidays)
Tuesday to Sunday (during holidays)
From 14h to 19h week and 12h to 19h on weekends.

Circulation(s) festival

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The Circulation(s) Festival will take place from March 17 to May 6, 2018 at CENTQUATRE-PARIS :

5 rue Curial
75019 Paris


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