Luxurious “Maison Ladurée” in Paris: delicious Macarons – Paris Design Agenda


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"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery. They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."
Luxurious “Maison Ladurée” in Paris: delicious Macarons

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

This tiny little pastry has become one of the most famous in the world from day to night. Maybe because of their delicious flavor or simply because of their stunning bright colors. We all like to see them on the patisseries’ windows.

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

This tiny divine perfection is allegedly of French origins and the legend says they were a favorite from the Queen Marie Antoinette. Who knew we would share tastes with royalty! The Macarons’ batter has a merengue consistence and it’s fresh, airy and soft to the taste.

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique – patisserie – bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries just waiting heavenly for their next prey!

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

This boutique opened its doors in 1862 with Louis Ernest Ladurée, a man with a great eye and vision that settled in the luxury district. Ladurée cakes are indubitably the most exquisite and wonderful in all Paris and even France!

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

Other main streams believe the Macarons came originally from the Arabic worlds and then were adapted. But history aside they are a wonderful detail for you to add to a tea party, or to a coffee with friends.

"When talking about French Macarons one can’t forget the famous LADURÉE boutique - bakery.  They have the most tasting, delightful and gorgeous pastries."

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