The renowned Paris-born designer, Philippe Starck has just released a brand new collection of remarkable handmade designs for Ipanema, an international high-end shoes and sandals company. These incredibly fresh designs not only feature a minimalist and sleek style but also were designed to offer the utmost comfort.
“The closer you get to the body, the less you can lie. You have to go to the minimum, to the square root, in order to reach elegance and timelessness. When you reach elegance with a few dollars or euros, it is no longer magic; it is a modern miracle,” disclosed Philippe Starck.
Starck used a bionic approach to develop this unique collection. The soles of the flip-flops are softer than ever and have rounded edges. The main goal of the designer was to use the least possible amount of material, so they would be light and would shape the body. Through the use of a soft yet durable material like EVA, that is known to give lightness and flexibility, these designs are adaptable to all foot types.
Sustainability was at the core of this collection, seeing that these “fashion-forward” sandals were developed with 100% recyclable materials. In order to complete them, Ipanema followed a more manual and artisanal process than its normally industrial look. adapted its industrial process to one that is more manual and artisanal, resulting in a flawless series of footwear that are indeed the perfect fit.
Featured image retrieved from Paper Magazine
Source: Philippine Tatler