Next Stop for Luxury Design and Craftsmanship Summit Will Be in Paris – Paris Design Agenda


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Next Stop for Luxury Design and Craftsmanship Summit Will Be in Paris
Next Stop for Luxury Design and Craftsmanship Summit Will Be in Paris

Today, Paris Design Agenda has a special announcement. An exciting new event that just had its very first edition will now make its next stop in the City of Lights, in January 2019. The event in question is the Luxury Design and Craftsmanship summit, which was organized by Covet Group and Brhands Foundation. Today, our blog will show you some highlights in an effort to show our readers what one can expect from this crucial gathering when it arrives in Paris, just a couple of days before the leading lifestyle and design event, Maison et Objet 2019 takes place.



The summit was successful in achieving its noble mission of developing design and craftsmanship through a series of open talks with influential individuals from the industry as well as live showcases of artisans showing the prestige of ancient arts and crafts


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Some of the important arts on display during the live showcase were the art of filigree, ceramic, embroidery, tile painting, arraiolos, leaf gilding, wooden patchwork and metalworking. Each one had a dedicated space that was cherished by both the master artisans and the curious audience, eager to learn more about these traditional techniques.


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The event was comprised of three extremely vital sessions, “The Value of Craftsmanship for the Luxury World”, “Design as Driving Force for Local Craftsmanship” and “Luxury Branding: Behind the Scenes Story”.


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The first one was all about showcasing the meaning of exclusivity and authenticity within the industry as well as exploring all options regarding the future of craftsmanship. It was moderated by the CEO of Covet Group, Amândio Pereira and counted with the presence of keynote speakers, such as Nicole Segundo, Michelangelo Foundation’s network developer for Portugal; Fátima Santos, the general secretary of AORP (Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria Portuguesa); Luís Onofre, Portuguese designer of luxury handmade shoes and António Moura, a business developer in the luxury field.


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The second talk was moderated by Fernando Caetano, open media director and edition of Essential magazines and its main purpose was to show everyone that the future of luxury design lies in the hands of craftsmen and women. The outstanding panel was composed of Serena Confalonieri and Francesca Merciani, from Doppia Firma; Luís Sanches and João Branco, founders and creative directors of Storytailors, a concept store for women’s clothing; Alda Tómas, a Designer from the renowned porcelain factory, Vista Alegre, who also brought to the stage one of their most skilled designers, Evelyn Tannus; and Toni Grilo, an utterly proficient product designer.


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Lastly, the event concluded with the spectacular session of luxury branding which highlighted the design, marketing and creative process behind some of the best luxury brands in Portugal. The exceptional session was moderated by Mónica Seabra-Mendes, the head of the Luxury Management Programme of the Lisbon Catholic University and included the following speakers: Carlos Santos, head of Carlos Santos Shoes, one of the greatest brands of men’s luxury footwear; Jorge Martins from the emerging RomBoats; Marco Costa, creative director and CEO of luxury furniture brand, Boca do Lobo; and  Carla Graça, Vista Alegre’s marketing manager.


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The summit’s mission of showing design and craftsmanship in another perspective was a complete triumph, aiming to inspire individuals to keep traditions alive while also adding their own contemporary touch as well as being involved in such a vital industry. As we mentioned at the beginning, the second instalment of this summit will take place in Paris, so stay tuned for more information!



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