The design, the arts & crafts, the unique design, the fine art, and the limited editions are the main focus of Paris Design Agenda. So, today we present you the 10 best French Luxury Brands, some of the most recognized and famous ones all around the globe. High-end brands are an indication […]
Paris is the capital of Design, and right now it’s Fashion Design Week turn. Paris Fashion Week is one of the biggest events of the Fashion industry, where the best designers of the world expose the most exquisite and eccentric looks, right on the runway. Paris Design Agenda lets you […]
Meet the parisian architect Philippe Maidenberg, who has been working on endless hotels in Paris. Maidenberg is no afraid to use colors, videos and new materials. “We are very playful when designing hotels, lobbies, restaurants, and bars,” says. See also: 2017 AD 100 LIST: BEST DESIGN PROJECTS BY FRANÇOIS CATROUX His options […]