Elliott Barnes – Elliott Barnes graduated in 1985, from Cornell University in New York State, with a Masters in Architecture and Urban Planning. In 1986 the AIA registered architect began his career with Arthur Erickson Architects in Los Angeles and at the same time pursued an academic career teaching at […]
Rugs by Cochet Païs – Cochet Païs Architecture & Interior design Cochet Païs Architecture & Interior design is a family-owned and operated architectural agency created by two cousins, interior designers, and project managers, who enjoy unique complicity and complementarity. A team specialized in high-end residential and “Haute Couture” creations that […]
Studio Kompa – Soft Ambiences with Rugs by Studio Kompa brings some of the most impotent Interior Design Project of Studio Kompa with different rugs. Studio Kompa Jean-Pierre Aldebert and Jean-Philippe Passot created Studio Kompa 30 years ago. The idea began when they joined the Wilmotte agency after graduating from the […]
Xavier Cartron – Impressive Design Projects with Luxurious Rugs by Xavier Cartron shows the ability and the push back of limits from the conventional and the unrestrained cultural crossbreeding of Xavier. Xavier Cartron Xavier Cartron has created his Design Firm “Xavier Cartron SAS” in 2000 specialized in Design, Architecture, Interior […]
This tiny little pastry has become one of the most famous in the world from day to night. Maybe because of their delicious flavor or simply because of their stunning bright colors. We all like to see them on the patisseries’ windows. This tiny divine perfection is allegedly of French […]