![Inspire Your Home Through The Mid-Century Trend](https://www.parisdesignagenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Captura-de-ecra%CC%83-2019-04-02-a%CC%80s-09.09.02-324x208.png)
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Mid century trend demonstrates a big passion around every interior design lover. This fantastic style states an unique point of view around your home, as well as transports you to a different era. Paris design Agenda shows you this latest trend, that gives a special touch to your home luxurious […]
BDCK category=3 Keywords=”BL-houseofblparis”][/BDCK] Gilles And Boissier have had their inception in 2004, and since then, Dorothée Boissier & Patrick Gilles have managed to become quite the reference in architecture, interior design, and graphic design. Each of their projects or collections recounts a unique narrative that normally benefits from eclectic […]