Each year, one particular style or actually several immediately pops the eye. This time and at the center of it all will be Timeless Design. This sort of style can be rather simple or extravagant, but one thing is guaranteed it will never go out of fashion and it is always functional. Now, Paris Design Agenda will explore a bit more of its essence which is actually one of the main references of Maison et Objet 2018, which finally starts tomorrow!
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Fendi Casa
When it comes to lifestyle and design, the timeless style is a true epitome of a unique know-how inscribed in the genes of the passionate and skilled craftspeople as well as a demonstration of heritage and cultural tradition.
Frato Interiors
“The Timeless style, when it shows up in a discreet or typical, sacred or updated way, returns men or objects to their place … and this is vital. Whether this style is in the form of a piece of jewelry, a fragrance, an artistic object or an item from everyday life, whether it is handmade or created for a specific reason – to cook, illuminate, decorate, embellish, be carried, etc. – there will always be art in the detail.”
Ligne Roset
During the prestigious event, hundreds and thousands of visitors have the opportunity to witness this elegant and classic universe of timelessness, provided by a large group of renowned luxury brands and designers as well as up and coming creators from all over the world, all with the intent to showcase their potential and creative design. It is leading names like Fendi Casa, Ligne Roset, Boca do Lobo, Meridiani, Republic of Fritz Hansen, and countless others are becoming quite crucial in the development of this style and industry.
Republic of Fritz Hansen
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Source: Maison et Objet