With the first month of the year comes one of the world’s most renowned home design tradeshow – Maison & Objet! From 22 to 26 of January, Paris will be invaded by a big range of wonderful brands with their new designs, as well as people from all over the world, professionals and non professionals in the home design field. In order to start preparing for the Maison & Objet tradeshow, you need to know exactly what to expect from the M&O 2016 Program.
Paris will be preparing in the next couple of months for this exciting show for Home Fashion, Home Design, Decoration and Interiors. The Maison & Objet tradeshow counts on nearly 3,000 exhibitors, of which 45% are international brands. See what you can find at Maison & Objet and prepare for the tour. Prepare for the M&O 2016 Program and make sure you won’t miss a thing!
Each season, the Maison & Objet Observatoire analyzes new consumption behaviors to define a theme explored in the Inspirations book and staged at the show. This year, Maison & Objet invites us to go into the PRECIOUS theme, by discovering the new Inspirations forum. Precious and preciousness are expressed in many ways.
The word immediately evokes cut stones and their mysterious settings, raw materials rendered more beautiful still by the genius of man. In art, precious entails a character of great delicacy, brilliance, even wealth. It is often linked to gold, mirrors and ornaments.
But, while all that is valuable is precious, preciousness does not hold the same value for everyone. From somewhat trivial affectation to the very essence of life, preciousness inspires dialogue between excessive materiality and the most extreme fragility.
The inspirations book No27
Created by the Maison & Objet Observatoire and published in a limited edition of 1,000 copies, the «Inspirations» books are indispensible tools for all professionals working in fashion, decoration and the home.
Maison & Objet 2016 will definitely highlight the important trends, pick up the micro-signs that herald changing influences and define the direction styles are moving in. So, breathing in the current atmosphere, explore and gather clues that forecast the future. Let yourself be inspired by Maison & Objet 2016.