As the luxury design world is growing at a fast rhythm on improving the authenticity and differentiation, top-notch quality has been relying on the finest craftsmanship to create unique pieces for exclusive interiors. Once again, the famous Maison et Objet 2020 has shown that they are the ambassadors of the year’s top interior design trends. […]
Maison Et Objet may have come to an end, but it’s still an unforgettable event in our heads. Every year this amazing tradeshow hosts numerous luxury brands that present their newest furniture pieces and design ideas. Join Paris Design Agenda and discover the new pieces that will revolutionize the […]
I was reading the last issue of “Residences decoration” when I found a little mention about a wonderful new product. I do more some research and I found the brand that also create and act on the world of the luxury decoration. The particularity of the brand is that she […]