Crystal manufacturer Baccarat has teamed up with prestigious OFF-WHITE founder and Louis Vuitton creative director, Virgil Abloh to create the “Crystal Clear” collection. These joined forces resulted in a collection that goes beyond anything they’ve ever done! During Paris Fashion Week, Maison Baccarat opened its doors to share a […]
The renowned American creative designer, Virgil Abloh, who happens to also be the founder of the Milan-based fashion label Off-White, has been announced as the new menswear designer for one of the most powerful fashion houses in the world, Louis Vuitton “This opportunity to think through what the next chapter of […]
Ludovica + Roberto Palomba is definitely a duo that is behind one of the greatest design teams that give Italy the fame it currently has regarding the design area as a whole. After graduating together in Architecture at the University of Rome, the pair created Palomba Serafini Associati in […]