Which point status for Market for the Home 2.0? – Paris Design Agenda


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maison objet-paris-2015-conferences-houzz-thomas volpi-market for the home 2.0
Which point status for Market for the Home 2.0?

The Market for the Home 2.0

Do people recognize an architect for an entire project? Do interior decorators provide information in the best possible way? Or should they improve their vehicles of web communication?
In which point status is currently the Market for the Home 2.0?

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Historic brands, generalist and specialist pure players, concept stores, editors, those working in the home are caught in tough battle!

In “The Market for the Home 2.0”, a conference held on January, 28th at Maison&Objet, we had some possible answers for these questions and much more about the topic.

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Linh Lê, consultant and owner at Fresnel Conseil, Christopher Gazel, general manager of IPEA and Thomas Volpi, general manager of Houzz – an online design database for interior and external home decoration marked this conference with their best inspirations, with animation of Dominique Cuvilien.

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In the opinion of Thomas Volpi, “93% of french people don’t know an architect from an entire project”. Refering to Houzz platform, Volpi explains that “people provide here council and information for their houses. This is a free platform whose objective is sharing this information”.

In a generation of web marketing, a platform like Houzz represents a huge importance for all the brands.

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“When you’re looking for solutions for home interiors, you ask people their opinion”, says Linh Lê.

And it happens all the time in Houzz. The webpage is able to work with all the house experts.

Called the “Wikipedia of interior and exterior design” by CNN, Houzz provides people with everything they need to improve their homes from start to finish.

There was also a Houzz stand at Maison&Objet.

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House in human houzz-maison objet 2015





From IPEA, Christopher Gazel gave us some examples of creative solutions to organize a house. The web was, of course, always under his view. Imagine this: “Like a personal shopper, people post pictures of their room and the personal shopper can advice with the best solution”, explains Gazel.

House in human hands-maison objet 2015

We could easily understand the home-remodeling fused to web marketing by the words and testimonies of Linh Lê, Christophe Gazel and Thomas Volpi. Interior decorators are providing more and more information in the best possible web way, improving their vehicles of web communication.
The Market for the Home 2.0 is an expanding tool nowadays.

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