FIAC 2019: The International Fair Of Contemporary Art
FIAC 2019 is an international fair of contemporary art that’s happening in Paris this weekend! Until October 20th, the Grand Palais in Paris will be the centre stage for one of the most exciting contemporary art events of the year. This international fair concentrates almost 200 galleries, so today, Paris Design Agenda lets you in on the details for this year’s 46th edition.
This exciting brings together almost 200 exhibitors in the Grand Palais, including many expertise professionals included in the modern art, contemporary art and design areas. Throughout these days, it will be displayed many artistic pieces from the twentieth century, represented in the Lafayette Sector, that was created in 2009 to encourage young galleries.
Through this international contemporary art fair, their goal is to offer a large space for galleries and artists to showcase their art. With that mindset, they’re able to reflect an intimate experience of creating access to the widest possible audience. It’s also a great opportunity to admire the rich and varied exhibition programme on view in Paris: museums and cultural institutions offer a wide range of exhibitions during the FIAC week.
Within this event, there are many categories dividing it such as the FIAC Projects, that, in collaboration with a different curator every year, presents some sculptures and installations in situ at the Petit Palais and around the Grand Palais. FIAC Hors Les Murs presents installations at some of the most prestigious locations in Paris: in the Tuileries Gardens, on the Place Vendôme, on the Place de la Concorde, and in the Musée national Eugène Delacroix.
There are also some exciting events happening during this international fair, such as a freely accessible programme of performances (Parades for FIAC), conferences (Conversation Room), and screenings of artits’films (Cinéphémère). During this amazing weekend, make sure you don’t miss all the exciting things that FIAC 2019 has to offer.