Paris Design Agenda is now at Maison&Objet Paris, in order to find the best 2015 interior design trends, speak with the world’s best interior designers and report the best of this huge international show.
We have found a little bit of the Japanese culture by the eyes and hands of Oki Sato – the Winner of Maison & Objet Designer of the Year award.
The pursuit of new possibilities in design is a constant vision for Nendo.
This this whole stand is designed by him.
“Chocatexture lounge”
At the Hall 8 of Maison&Objet it is impossible to be indifferent to a special lounge with “Chocolatexture lounge” as a title. This is the first time a Designer of the Year award winner has presented foods.
Oki Sato of nendo fame is truly one of the world’s highest profile designers.
He had the furniture, the household products and acessories, but now the introduction of food to his reportoire turns Sato into an exclusive and recognized designer.
On “The Senken”, a daily Japanese newspaper, Sato refers to power of design and its influence on our five senses: “Encountering a new design makes people feel a sense of calm along with a twinge of excitement. The same food can give different impressions depending on how it is presented or how a sauvce is poured on”.
“A chocolate’s taste is crafted through attention to things like cocoa bean’s source, type, content, technique of the chocolatier and flavour”, says Oki Sato.
These nine types of chocolates Nendo created and exposed at Maison&Objet are named after the Japanese onomatopeia used to describe their texture – toge-toge, suka-suka, sube-sube or zara-zara.