Shortlist for the Overhaul of the Iconic Eiffel Tower Is Announced
The iconic Eiffel Tower is perhaps the most visited landmark in Paris and now it will undergo a few improvments which will actually be just in time for the 2024 Olympics Games. Four architect firms have been shortilist to everseen this restoration project, including London-based practice, AL_A, led by Amanda Levete and architects, Gross Max and urban design expert Ricky Burdett; British firm Gustafson Porter + Bowman, whose team of architects include Chartier and Corbasson, Atelier Monchecourt & Co as well as urban planners Sathy and Devillers & Associés agency; French studio KOZ Architectswith architects Junya Ishigami and NiclasDünnebacke; and finally French landscapersAgence Ter, Carlo Ratti and Explorations Architecture. Today, Paris Design Agenda will explore some of the characteristics of this overhaul, so take a look.
Entitled Grand Site Tour Eiffel: discover, approach, visit, this project was created to revisit and rethink the overall design of the 324-meter tower, making some improvements in the reception and workspaces as well as other design elements. The four teams of architects, landscape designers and urban planners will have to draw up ideas that would ultimately improve the Eiffel Tower experience for visitors from all around the world.
“The partial transformation of certain built elements, in a spirit of sobriety, robustness and economy of resources. Currently, the configuration of the places and their layout do not always allow to guide and welcome visitors in satisfactory conditions. Pathways are often complex and queues sometimes messy,” this is what can be read as the main objetive of this project’s brief.
The four teams are set to develop their ideas using a 3D model of the tower, whichj was developed by softar company, Autodesk. In early 2019, the big winner of this competition will be unveiled and the work on the tower is expected to be finished by 2023.
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